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Katmandu to Istanbul (short)

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Old town Riga Latvia
Building decoration.
The cathedral behind our hotel. Morgan managed to catch a choral concert there on independance day.
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more building decorations
across the square from the Cathedral
The alley behind our hotel Riga
I don’t know if the lights are always there or if they were a part of the light festival that was going on.
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Heathcliff with tea and biscuits at a bakery in the old town section of Riga
One of the many squares
Statue on top of the building in the last photo. There seemed to be a black cat theme in town.
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Another square with interesting buildings and street market
More of the street market.
Best Pub sign of the trip.
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Examples of the lights festival instalations.
sand table projected on the wall
This was an animated circus piece
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another scene from the circus (shokingly in focus)
this was a kilidascope the little black box in the bottom was sending the images to an other screen
the front of the artgallery was sporting a slightly different version of Nemo
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a renault painted in latvian patterns and colours with screens reflecting a gold fish tank
here there was a light shining on a section of the audience and the lady on the screen copied what ever they were doing
The Bus between Gatwick and Heathrow airports. We spent about 7 hours in London.
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Christmas decorations in Heathrow airport
how you know we were in London.

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