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Katmandu to Istanbul (short)

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Our boat for crossing the Caspian sea.
Cormarant like bird
Sunrise. and the awful discovery that we have not moved overnight
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Still a beautiful sunrise.
the main deck of our boat
Arrival in Baku. Lots of statues around
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Achitechture in Baku
fishing boat Baku
depending who you ask the second tallest flag pole in the world.
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sea front Baku
another bronze
Crow in fall colours
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Maiden’s tower Baku Azerbijan
Tiffany and Co. Baku there is definetly a bit of money floating around that city
a mosque in the middle of nowhere Azerbijan
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A Mosque
scenes from the bus window
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The local Kahns palace small town Azerbijan
detail under the roof Kahn’s palace Azerbijan
Signaghi Georgia
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cobble streets Signaghi Georgia
Moastary Georgia
Second moasary of the day
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bee keeping Taplikatsi honey company is affiliated with the Monasary
Amanor house belonging to Alexander Chavchavadze
Roadside Pottery stop
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A view of Tiblisi
Orthadox Church inside the fort at the top of the hill
inside the church inside the fort at the top of the hill

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