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Katmandu to Istanbul (short)

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Welcome to Kyrgyzstan! and suddenly we could see the sky!

Yert Camp Tashrabat
Our first snow storm of the trip! (it was gone by 10am)
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Caravan sary (old fort) Tashrabat
View from the top of the fort
Kyrgyz Yak
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Stunning scenery
Unfortunetly I did not write these ladies names down fast enough. they gave an indepth felt demo. (Ibought my first rug here)
Fairy Tale Canyon
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Broken heart rock
Russian orthadox church Karakol
our hostel for the night Jetti Ogust
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the scenery behind the hostel
Lost in Kyrgyzstan road side scenery
Petroglyphs between one place and an other
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Marx and Engles Bishkek
Our Transportation for the day… Fortunetly not our baggaepile would have been higher
a really windy day
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the upper floor of our home stay. The walnuts were about six inches deep with a stratigic path to our room
The walnut grove we stayed at in Aslanbad
Silk Factory Fergonna Uzbekistan
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Pottery Fegonna Valley Uzbekistan
An old madrasa Tashkent
what is left of an old observatory Samerkand
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Mausaleum Samerkand
Registan square Samerkand
Medrasa ceiling
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Registan square
Bibi-Khannym Mosque
the Friday Mosque Bukhara

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